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Confirmation Statement Filing
Digital Late Filing Package


£ 12.00 inc VAT

Plus £24.00 Companies House fee.


£ 46.00 inc VAT

This is equivalent to approximately

USD 60.13
Click on a feature below to learn more
  • Full Confirmation Statement Filing Service.
  • No Hidden Costs.
  • Free Basic Changes made to Company Structure, Address & Activities – Click to Read.
  • Update Companies House Register.
  • Appeal to Companies House if you have received a fine or if your company is being struck off for late filing.
  • Request an extension to Companies House if filing date has already passed.
  • Ensure that no late filing penalty is received.
Bespoke Package

You will need to contact us for a bespoke quote if any of the following are applicable to you

  • You wish to transfer shares between shareholders / directors.
  • You wish to remove Shareholders / Directors but do not have their consent to do so.
  • You wish to issue new share capital to shareholders / directors.
  • You do not have Companies House issued codes and do not have access to your company’s registered address to order new ones.
  • Your Company’s registered address is showing as Companies House’s Default Address.
  • You do not have a virtual office package with us and wish to change your existing address and use our address as your company’s registered address and / or the correspondence address for Director(s) and Persons of Significant Control.
Confirmation Statement Filing
Digital Late Filing Package


£ 12.00 inc VAT

Plus £24.00 Companies House fee.


£ 46.00 inc VAT

This is equivalent to approximately

USD 60.13
Click on a feature below to learn more
  • Full Confirmation Statement Filing Service.
  • No Hidden Costs.
  • Free Basic Changes made to Company Structure, Address & Activities – Click to Read.
  • Update Companies House Register.
  • Appeal to Companies House if you have received a fine or if your company is being struck off for late filing.
  • Request an extension to Companies House if filing date has already passed.
  • Ensure that no late filing penalty is received.
Bespoke Package

You will need to contact us for a bespoke quote if any of the following are applicable to you

  • You wish to transfer shares between shareholders / directors.
  • You wish to remove Shareholders / Directors but do not have their consent to do so.
  • You wish to issue new share capital to shareholders / directors.
  • You do not have Companies House issued codes and do not have access to your company’s registered address to order new ones.
  • Your Company’s registered address is showing as Companies House’s Default Address.
  • You do not have a virtual office package with us and wish to change your existing address and use our address as your company’s registered address and / or the correspondence address for Director(s) and Persons of Significant Control.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Terms of Use

A Confirmation Statement is a report that each UK limited company needs to submit to Companies House at least once a year. It is a report that is submitted to confirm whether the information Companies House holds for your company is correct or not. If there have been changes in the Company’s Directorship, Shareholders, Capital Structuring, Trading Activities, Company’s registered address, Director’s residential or correspondence address, then Companies House need to know about it.

A Confirmation Statement needs to be submitted at least once a year. The deadline date for submission of your company’s Confirmation Statement can be found by doing a search on the Companies House website.

Usually, the first confirmation statement filling date is approximately a year from the date of incorporation. However, the next filling dates can vary based on when exactly the last filling was done. To find the exact filling date you can simply go to the Companies House website and check your filling dates under company overview.

You need to report, changes in directors including their residential and correspondence addresses. Changes in shareholders. Changes in the company’s share capital and the company’s corporate structure. Changes in business activities.

No, you do not need to file a Confirmation Statement immediately for every change that you make in your company. So, for example if your company’s registered address changes you would update Companies House by filing form AD01. However, you would not necessarily need to file a Confirmation Statement immediately. You just need to ensure that the Confirmation Statement is filed with the updated information before the deadline date visible on your company overview page on the Companies House website.

Read All of Our FAQ's and Terms